Monday, November 23, 2015

Great Expectations

          Several years ago I wrote an article about anticipation. If I recall, the main reason I wrote it was because  “The Dark Knight” was about to be released, and I was almost frothing at the mouth as I eagerly awaited it’s release. I wondered if it could possibly live up to the almost unrealistic expectations that I had- and fortunately, for the most part, it did. And now, I once again stand at the precipice of revving up expectations to the point of madness, and wondering if certain projects can possibly live up to what I hope they can be.
            You would think I would have learned by now. How many times in my life have I built myself up for something, only to come crashing down under the weight of unrealistic expectations?  (I’m talking to you, Star Wars Prequels.) Here’s what I am getting jazzed about, and I hope that some, if not all of these projects live up to the lofty expectations I have!!

1.      Star Wars Episode 7- The Force Awakens: We’re just a month away from the long awaited sequel to arguably the greatest trilogy of all time. Few movies have impacted my life, and dare I say pop culture, as much as the Star Wars films. Now I’m not here to debate which is greater- Star Wars or Star Trek. I loved both as a child. I have a great admiration for Star Trek- I just love Star Wars more. It is by no means a knock on my fellow Trekkies. I think they are two different animals which can both be enjoyed, celebrating their differences. (Don’t bash me, Alex!!) George Lucas created a universe which totally enraptured me, and I’ve never been able to escape from it, even at the ripe old age of ##.

      I recall the excitement I felt at 9, 12, and 15 when each of the first films was released. And that old excitement is starting to bubble up again. I have to admit- when this project was first announced, I was highly skeptical. And I told myself that I was not going to get too excited, because I would just be let down again. But slowly over the last few years, my attitude has changed. I think what started it for me was when they revealed that the actors from the OT (Original Trilogy) were returning. Suddenly, the bad taste of prequels and Jar Jar Binks was being washed away. Then the trailers started coming out. X-Wings. Tie fighters. And ultimately- HAN AND CHEWIE!!!! I lost my mind a little when I saw them reunited on screen for the first time in over 30 years. And just like that, I had thrown caution to the wind. I am now full blown crazy for this movie- and I’m not ashamed to admit it. All of my action-figure-death-star-comic-book-owning childhood nerdiness has returned, and I am embracing my 9 year old nerd self. December 17th can’t get here soon enough. May the Force be With You. Always.

2.      Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice: When I was in the second grade, I became friends with a boy named Perry McMahon. We quickly became BFF’s, and we spent a lot of time at each other’s houses. Perry and I shared one big interest- comic books. Up to that point, I was primarily reading Archie and Richie Rich. But Perry introduced me to a whole other world of comics- superheroes. Now I knew of superheroes- I watched “Batman” on TV, and also the Superfriends on Saturday mornings. Perry had stacks and stacks of comics- I was in awe. So I began collecting as well, and I was mainly drawn to Batman. I loved the idea that he was just a normal dude who was really smart, really strong, and really rich. I loved his Rogues Gallery- who can beat the Joker as a villain? So I was pulled towards the DC side- Justice League, Superman, Flash, Wonder Woman, etc. Don’t get me wrong; I’ve enjoyed Marvel comics as well- Spiderman, Avengers, and X-Men to name a few. But I was always a “DC” guy first. In 1978 I went to the theatre to see a movie, and as the tagline for the film proclaimed, I did indeed believe a man could fly. 

      The movie was “Superman”, and Christopher Reeve was perfect. They made a few more, and I kept thinking “Why won’t they make a Batman movie??” Finally in 1989 my dream came true- Tim Burton’s “Batman” came out, and I was in heaven. It wasn’t perfect, but I loved it. It wasn’t the campy Batman that I watched as a kid- this was a dark, emotionally scarred Batman (plus my favorite actor, Jack Nicholson, was the Joker. Heaven). 

      For decades I dreamed of the two of them uniting on screen. Marvel finally got it right- they created their film universe, and made the first Avengers movie. I quite enjoyed it, but I kept thinking- SURELY now they can make a Justice League film. And finally, a few years ago, they made the announcement that I had been waiting on for decades- Batman and Superman would be in a movie together! And also Wonder Woman! And this will lead directly to the Justice League! Finally!! 

      As soon as it was announced, the naysayers were trying to poo-poo my enthusiasm. The film is being directed by Zach Snyder, who directed “Man of Steel”. I thought “Man of Steel” was really good, but lots of fanboys bashed it. I like the vision that Snyder is creating for the DC universe. It’s different from Marvel’s, and I think it needs to be. The other big controversy was the casting of Ben Affleck as Batman. I have no problem with that. If you look at Ben’s body of work over the last decade, he has really matured as an actor and director. I can’t wait to see him as an older, more grizzled version of the Dark Knight. The movie comes out in March 2016, and I want to buy my tickets now.

3.     Twin Peaks-  I’ve already devoted an entire blog to this one, so I will be brief. They are currently filming the revival, and it is shrouded with secrecy. Many of the original cast members are returning- even the ones who died on the show?? And sadly, the Log Lady will not be back because the actress died just before filming started. 

      And the actor who played Sherriff Harry Truman declined to return. Why??? And, they announced that it won’t air until 2017!!! But it is happening. And I. Can’t. Wait.


So what about you, boys and girls?? What’s on your radar? Are you excited about anything coming up? I will remain cautiously optimistic about these projects- and I will let you know if they live up to the Bartley hype. I’m sure you will be anxiously anticipating my thoughts! Happy Thanksgiving!!