Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Here's Scotty!!!!

Well- I'm back. Over the last several years I have grown weary of responding to the copious amounts of requests from my adoring fans- "When are you going to write again??" They would look at me, pleading, tears forming in their eyes- it was sad. So I'm giving in, and bringing joy to the masses once more. You can thank me later.

Why was I gone? Several reasons. First and foremost- I was going through a pretty rough patch professionally, and it eventually took a toll on my fragile ego. In fact, it almost eradicated any confidence that I had in myself. So writing about pointless things that were ensconced in snark didn't really seem all that important to me.

Why am I back? I'm not real sure, to be honest. I am in a better place- I'm back to teaching high school, and so far this time around, I seem to be enjoying it. (I think what I really love about it is that I can go back to bathing in a tub filled with hundred dollah bills from all the fat cheddar that I make teaching the public kiddies.) I think what has really inspired me, though, is I am feeling an incredible itch to be creative. I usually feel best about myself when I am scratching that itch. Usually it's fulfilled through my theatrical endeavors, but as I write this there are really no acting plans on the horizon. So I figured I could start writing again.

Over the last 6 months I've had a real strong desire to write something. I want to write a play. A movie. A book. Something. But an epic battle rages inside me- the side that wants to do all of those things, and the side that is a massive, fat, lazy lard, that just wants to sit and do nothing. I am fighting you lard. I really am. I figure by writing this I at least get something going, and who knows- maybe it will lead to something?

The other reason I do this- jealousy. The green-eyed goddess of envy. Every day I am bombarded by bloggers and blowhards who have gained some sort of fame and notoriety by pumping out garbage to the masses. And I always think- "I can pump out garbage too. Bigger and more better!!" Some yahoo puts a video of himself talking like Batman to his kids, or doing a wacky lip-sync in the car with his daughters, and he becomes a "viral sensation". I want to be a viral sensation. Is that wrong? Does that make me shallow and vapid? If so, I will wear my vapidness like a big crown of chocolate on my head. And then I will eat it.

Sorry this post is somewhat rambling. I have a lot of stuff banging to escape from my old noggin, and I'm just trying to let it flow. I promise, if you stick with me, future posts will be more coherent. And more entertaining. After all- how can I get my own reality show with this kind of garbled mess? Take my hand, and journey forth with me. Please??? (Is that too needy?)

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